Getting into college can be considered as an achievement in the life of a young adult, a step in the right direction, a means to achieving set goals and so many other positive things. Secondary school has just ended and there is that feeling of excitement, coupled with uncertainty. This is a new terrain and you are wondering how well you would cope as a student. Alas, you commence your academic programme, and it’s not as bad as you think, no, it is way more exciting. So many cool new friends, you can actually decide not to attend classes. And yes, you have no one controlling you. Wow. “This is going to be one good phase of my life”, you think to yourself. Then examinations approach. You realize you have to study in order to get good grades (Remembering that your dad told you getting a job is impossible without those grades). You dedicate your time to making sure your results come out excellent: you cannot risk not having a job. Your uncle had assured you of giving you a job at that ...
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